Back and hopefully better than ever
Wow, it has been a long time huh? Welcome back! I have decided to revamp this blog because not only do I love writing, but I also have had a lot to talk about lately. Since my last (and quite frankly only) post, a lot of time has passed! During that time I graduated high school, started college and so much more. Maybe later I will go into depth on some of those "so much more" stories, but for now I just want give y'all a general idea of where I am at in life. As I mentioned before, I am in college. I am super paranoid about my safety so I will not disclose the school, but I am currently a freshman and live in a dorm on campus. The school I have chosen is fantastic for my education, but I am not as close to home as I would prefer. I now have a boyfriend of over a year and a half, and we are both very happy! I have one dog named Molly and she's amazing. My neighbors dog is basically mine too because I see them so often! Pics will be posted later on so don't worry dog lovers ;). I have a brother who is close in age and very supportive parents whom I love very much! That's all the general info I think you need to know, as you will most likely learn more about me through my future blog posts (yes I do plan on actually posting this time). It's great to have you on board!
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